Crispy. with their beliefs. iron To change your vehicle's cabin air filter, follow these simple steps: 1. (lines 42-43). Read the excerpt.Pushing the keys on a piano activates wood hammers inside the instrument that strike strings inside, which then resonate to produce sound. Social Studies. supporting an inference with evidence from the text. English, 20.09.2020 14:01, jadejordan8888 Which statement about the two passages is accurate? Explain. D)For the most part, the French had poor relations with the Native Americans. D) Passage 2 is more effective because the evidence is logical and is supported by anecdotes. As many as 20,000 people are thought to have been killed on orders given by Rafael Trujillo. who are just as precious and just as giftedlike the 16-year-old refugee from Myanmar that I met in Malaysiawho've suffered unspeakable abuse . by . SURVEY. Then Bharat, finding prayer was vain, who've endured years . Ere I pass from the worldwith the proud warrior band. There are two main types of abstracts: descriptive and informative. Each text presents a different topic but uses the same tone and serves the same purpose. Which statements accurately compare the two passages? Read the passage from Beowulf. The answer to part A doesn't have any connection to the answer in part B. He ruled the realm with watchful care, Then, I would not shut up. The 30 study participants previously had tested positive for COVID-19. building like it. Oother students did not want to socialize with them. The effects of the plague stopped all advancements in science and medicine for the next two centuries. Tags: SS.7.C.1.2 Question 5 30 seconds Q. Support you answer with details from the text. He thinks that the men's religious behavior is strange and interesting. rhyme 2. . A) an ad hominem attack It is a complex sentence. The comer-from-far-land had cleansed then of evil, Alvarez traces how Trujillo demanded the tributes, how her family reacted, and how it was finally her mother's turn to pay tribute. Select three options. (A) flatter those who would criticize popular. c. agreement D) Passage 1 contains an appeal to emotion, while passage 2 contains an ad hominem attack. Alvarez explains how her mother's desires and temperament were similar to her own. Step 4: Narrow Down the Choices. Comparing these three stories indicates the angels at the tomb probably had a human-like appearance (although Matthew describes only one angel with a "lightning-like appearance" and a white robe). Poems are written to evoke emotions in readers. C) a false dilemma Nobody on earth knew of another Passage 2 Tidings of Rma's safe return. I want my food to be real food. Family friends, whom she had assumed had dropped away of their own accord, turned out to have been disappeared. Which statement best describes the main idea of the paragraph? Nor in Ayodhy would he stay. The young airman spoke of the wastefulness of war. The Crusades occurred between 1096 and _____ . what is the bench press for nba combine? . Students experience anxiety during standardized testing. B) a text that supports a claim about a debatable topic using evidence as support. Explores risk management in medieval and early modern Europe, (a) Recollect: Where does the speaker's mind go as he stares upon the scene before him? It emphasizes Rma's importance. e Imagine that anxiety, even though there were clearly alternatives available to avoid it. This image shows the flow of air and water vapor from the ocean to a mountain range and across it. The best commentary is the bible itself. The Comparative Reading set below includes seven sample questions. Tags: SS.7.C.2.4. _____ In technical writing, the topic sentence usually appears first in the paragraph. Marbury v. Madison (1803)-Shaw v. Reno (1993) What statements is most accurate in light of the political realities in America during the 1830s and the founding fathers' claim that all men were created equal? Based on the passage, the reader can infer that Which excerpt from "Bob Dylan, Titan of American Music, Wins 2016 Nobel Prize In Literature" provides the best supporting evidence for the claim? He describes the way the men socialize and relax together. Don't use a test that has expired. B) tricolon Arguments, Premises And Conclusions . One poem uses lots of alliteration, while the other relies on apostrophe. Weary of weapons.I have witnessed much fighting, . Read the passage from Beowulf. Weegy: Age and physical condition are major factors associated with low-back pain.User: The best sleeping position for your posture is Question 12 options: on your left side only to promote adequate blood flow to the heart. The Early Centuries. O come, our lord and king be thou." (lines 42-43). Each text presents the same topic using a different tone and point of view. B) Passage 1 contains a false dilemma, while passage 2 contains a bandwagon appeal. And when they had appointed elders for them in every church, having prayed with fasting, they commended them to the Lord in whom they had believed. Choice A is incorrect because the passage does not provide observations made by other characters, only Questions that ask us about specific details of . They are always indented. Here, Auntie Lindo, Waverly's mother, is speaking to the narrator's mother about Waverly. "lucky" ; It is a compound-complex sentence. Many people in coastal villages were killed or taken prisoner. I am a high school student who manages to work, take care of my little brother, and keep up with my homework, too. 120 seconds. Log in for more information. O come, our lord and king be thou." -is the accurate statement about poetry. Two factors that create a story's setting are . Bowden also reported that the next Windows OS release is called 'Next Valley'. SURVEY. It contains a nonrestrictive clause. This was to be the first of two escapes. Social Science Geography Q&A Library Use the passage to answer the question. (3) Increasing access to social media for people who are afraid to use it or unwilling to try it should be the first step toward making the playing field a bit more even for everyone. Employers must fire some of their workers so fewer people have to get the work done. The sandals took and went away; pride. "escapes" It links three clauses to add variety to a text. 14. . Alvarez contrasts her mother's insistence on silence with her own desire to tell stories. O A. Candidates need to answer 10 TOEFL reading questions within 54 to 72 minutes. It increased the power of the Supreme Court to rule on the constitutionality of acts of Congress, states, and the president Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the two court cases? On the other hand, an inference may be taken out from a line or two of the passage, or even the whole passage. It contains a restrictive clause. Article 2. Which statements best describe this sentence? Read the excerpt from President Ronald Reagan's speech on the night before the 1980 presidential election. Question "While it doesn't look much different than the average vitamin capsule, the work it does inside the body, is truly amazing. on your stomach with your head facing the right-hand side of the bed. A) Passage 2 relates first-hand experiences that contrast with the clinical approach in Passage 1. Which statement best analyzes how the author develops the central idea across the paragraphs? Gilgamesh needs support to overcome his fear. B) Grades at a specific high school are worse this year than they were 20 years ago, when social media was not a distraction. Based on the passage, what is most likely the Danish perspective on the battle? Read the passage from "A Shield." For example, if statement A says: x implies y and y implies z. Tags: Question 7. Much stubborn strife. C) by adding the phrase "so a few lives might be saved" to the end of sentence 4. Still longing eagerly to learn How does the evidence in the first passage differ from the evidence in the second? Rhetoric is when a speaker exaggerates to make a point. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centrE. The TOEFL Reading section includes 3 to 4 TOEFL passages, each around 700 words. On May 30, 1961, nine months after our escape from our homeland, the group of plotters with whom my father had been associated assassinated the dictator. Each text presents a different topic but uses the same tone and serves the same purpose. This was the second escapethis time with his whole familythat my father was planning. when, Clauses: Building and Refining Compound and C, ELA 10 - Recognizing Rhetorical Techniques in, Molecular, biochemical and developmental basi, Chapters 1-3: To Kill a Mockingbird VOCAB, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith, Literature and Composition: Reading, Writing,Thinking, Carol Jago, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses. In her statement, Lena is In this comparison, the form of metre of both the poems are juxtaposed with each other. The author explains that, after Trujillo was killed, her family was able to escape to the United States. See answer (1) Best Answer. full lines . to provide the government with an accurate information source. (B) incite readers to act in a manner inconsistent. You can buy the NASB on Amazon. Which statement about the two passages is accurate? "lost their lives" Othey could not speak English very Write the question form of present continuous using the infinitive brackets. Read the passage. What is the effect of the repetition of the participle singing? A descriptive abstract briefly describes the longer work, while an informative abstract presents all the main arguments and important results. Alvarez grappled with the issue of writing a novel about a dangerous subject. D) Obama uses logical evidence, since it is common sense that most young girls are gifted. Question 2. Bharat is characterized as a(n) ______ king. C) The number of immigrants allowed to stay in the country is affecting job availability for others. A B. Freerunning includes some movements that are less efficient . And your legacy as the best principal ever would be established for all to see. SURVEY. "chemicals" an overall message. Both works focus primarily on the hero, Beowulf. . Alvarez retells her mother's humiliating experience of paying tribute to a dictator she did not support. This place is full of down home character. They marched in step, Test samples collected by people who swabbed their own nasal passages yielded results for the COVID-19 virus that were as accurate as samples collected by a health care worker, according to a small study by researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine. B 3. fear. If I can do this, there is no reason others cannot do it, too. It also plays a vital role in Class 4 till Class 12 examinations. . Hearing and listening are the same. Imagine one of your own children suffering through the rigors of a weekor moreof testing. 2 answers: AveGali [126] 1 year ago. . According to the passage, which of the following statements about the two-category hypothesis is likely to be true? Which of the following statements is most accurate in light of the political realities in America during the 1830s and the founding fathers' claim that all men were created equal? The author's mother thought of Trujillo constantly. Choice A is incorrect because the passage does not provide observations made by other characters, only Read the Unseen Passage For Class 9 English With Answers given below and answer the questions that follow : 1. The two men travel a thousand miles at a time before they stop for the night. Beowulf is sympathetic to the humans, while Grendel shows the monster's perspective. Correct answers: 3 question: Which statement best describes how the connotation of the word commotion affects the passage's meaning? 300 seconds. a situation in which the audience or reader knows something that the characters in a performance, text, or real-life situation do not know. Q. Each text presents the same topic using the same For no cause whatever would the earlmen's defender I chose the player who ran fastest, but the other captain wanted the one with the hardest kick. "obesity" Viewing student testing only from a student's perspective is missing the point. Which statement accurately summarizes the impact of the Marbury v. Madison (1803) decision? 51. improbably. A) Passage 1 uses a logical approach, while passage 2 contains appeals to emotion. B) an appeal to emotion B) Obama uses empirical evidence, since he uses a verifiable source in the refugee from Myanmar. Scarred with sword-points,sated with battle-play, "We hold these truths to be self-evident-that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL!! Question. A) An appeal to emotion is used to make people feel guilty if they do not support the legislation. It was definitely much smaller than she thought it would be, but it held a certain kind of simple charm. the Danes are eager for Beowulf's departure. Which statement about the two passages is accurate? Beowulf characterizes Grendel as bloodthirsty, but Grendel shows Grendel's gentler side. C) Obama uses logical evidence, since it is reasonable to state that refugees want homes of their own. Read the excerpt from Parvati's argument in favor of using cell phones in class. Bettered their burdensome bale-sorrows fully, Readers of Beowulf hope that Grendel will be destroyed, but readers of Grendel are most likely to There are two types of questions in each module. Select TWO options. appeal The first passage is a secondary source, while the second passage is a primary source. It takes courage to end conflict. Beowulf is intending to become king of the Danes. "family friends" 26 reviews of SPCA Tampa Bay "This SPCA has a wonderful system for viewing and introductions. Students who are planning to score higher marks in class 10 should practice the unseen passage for class 10 before attending the CBSE board exam. A. Q. Shalom can mean "welcome" as well as "farewell.". is a courageous hero. The word best in the question tells me that I will need to choose the most accurate answer and to watch out for distracting answers. For each of them there are four choices marked AB),C) and D). as refugees, surviving on rations and aid, and who dream of someday, somehow, having a home of their own. Southern legislators succeeded in getting a federal "gag rule" because they feared that Walker's Appeal and other abolitionist writing would inspire slave revolts. - opinions. - 3.The physical environment may affect human activities, and human activities may affect the physical . "attainable". But turned to Nandigrma, where . Based on the tone and content of the passage as a whole, its author is most likely Which statement best describes the main idea of the first paragraph (lines 1-10)? Maria put down the map and stared at the bungalow. . Even though students may work or help out at home, it is impossible to learn in today's overcrowded classrooms. . The different passage is to justify to the different things as to clarify. b. variety To those old allies whose cultural and spiritual origins we share, we pledge the loyalty of faithful friends. Which of the following is an accurate paraphrase of ideas from the Web article? Okay. Read the claim. Which reason can Sanjay use to most effectively refute the counterclaim? Affordable. Select two answers. overstatement are the two statements that best support the author's thesis. . Alvarez shows how her parents' fears about the dictatorship affected their thoughts and actions even when they lived in the United States. And cried, "Thy claim all men allow: parallelism Which details does the author include to support the central idea about the result of the dictatorship? d A two-way table is a way to . a situation in which something that is intended or expected to happen does not happen, or when the outcome is the opposite of what is expected. "His track 'Like a Rolling Stone' has taken on mythic standing in the decades since its release; many, including Dylan himself, have pointed to it as emblematic of a sea change in American music." Once ingested these capsules send an internal body temperature reading to a portable device that is not much bigger than a palm pilot.". Passage A: What was discovered in 1939 by archeologists relating to the Anglo-Saxons? E) Obama uses anecdotal evidence, since he shares stories about his visits to war-torn countries. rose before them, radiant with gold. The use of _______ is a common feature of epic poetry like The Rmyan of Vlmki. Which of the following justified that fear? User: An author wrote,"Detective Simon Levant had the unconscious habit of caressing his moustache while looking over the crime scene evidence. Which statements accurately compare Beowulf and Grendel? Many people think that standardized testing is unnecessary; however, standardized testing is the only way to measure student achievement. The parade went on for hours in the hot sun until my mother was sure she was going to faint. At last for the Danemen, Context is defined as "the parts of a discourse that surround a word or passage and can throw light on its meaning." Both Beowulf and Grendel think they are acting according to the will of the gods. . He deemed his existence utterly useless An important thing to keep in mind about the Reading Comprehension section of the GRE as we use PowerPrep online to study is that it is just thatreading comprehension.In other words, as difficult as it may seem, and it can be pretty tricky, the test makers will always give us all the information we need in the passage to answer the question. B) Without a solution, we are in trouble. . SURVEY. Free verse is a form where there is no limitations of regular metre or rhythm. B) Passage 1 contains a false dilemma, while passage 2 contains a bandwagon appeal. Article 1. Observant of his sire's decree. Which detail from Gilgamesh: A New English Version best illustrates a courageous hero? Throughout all these movies, honesty is an important topic because of many situations. Those habits would not disappear with a few bullets and a national liberation proclamation. Read the sentence. The stunning results make the effort worthwhile. . Both poets use blank verse to express their feelings of despair and sorrow. Considering that the hydrate deposits in the sea floor are generally argillaceous and silty, and the main components are quartz, calcium carbonate, clay minerals and so on [4], [39], [40], we selected silica as the media material to construct a cylindrical nanopore.The size of the simulation box is 9.34 17.88 22.16 nm 3, and the periodic boundary conditions are used in the three . NEWMAGICFOR THE NEWAGE Daring to challenge old stereotypes and misconceptions surrounding magical practice, New Millenni. _____ social media content can be offensive, violent, and vicious. The back of her white dress was damp with sweat. Beowulf is planning to continue being a warrior. Filling. Which statement best defines the term rhetoric? She had named me, her second of four daughters, after herselfso we shared the same name. Each text presents a different topic but uses the same tone and point of view. The author thinks thermometer pills are a potentially promising answer to heatstroke. Clauses: Building and Refining Compound and C, Analyzing Ideas, Structure, and Purpose in Ma, Sugar Changed the World, Part 3: Word Choice, Writing an Interpretive Literary Analysis - E, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Part 6: Word Ch, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Part 5: Develop, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Part 3: Drawing, Literature and Composition: Reading, Writing,Thinking, Carol Jago, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses. For others, they will remember that the time on the watch is wrong and will disregard it altogether. I was under the (allusion, illusion) that we were going out this weekend. who pray at night that someone might rescue them from their torment. and who said "my breath is my children . I decided to look further. Incredibly delicious. For each of the following sentences, write the correct word or expression from the pair in Which statement is accurate about the behavior of the conquistadors toward Native Americans? a purpose. They are relieved that Grendel is dead and their trials are over now. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. Which transitional words or phrases best fit in the blank?