Quality, Health, Safety and Environment
Deccan intends to be acknowledged as QHSE industry leader in custom manufacturing of AIs and intermediates for a wide variety of chemical products by incorporating global principles of sustainable development, responsible care and quality management throughout its business. Quality, Health, Safety and Environment management and risk assessment fundamentals are integrated in all our business processes.

Deccan HSEQ&En Policy
We identify the health and safety of our employees, contractors and visitors, the satisfaction of our customers, the protection of the environment and the development of the communities in and around our manufacturing plants as integrated key drivers of our business. Our entire organization is oriented towards achieving these goals openly and transparently.
Deccan’s state-of-the-art waste effluent treatment systems such as scrubbers, stripper columns, MEE(s), ATFDs, incinerators, large scale continuous flow-through aerobic biological treatment systems, HTDS plants, etc. enable us to safeguard the environment and minimize the impact on environment.
Management is responsible and accountable for achieving excellence in Quality, Health, Safety and Environmental performance for successful business results.
Deccan is committed to training all its employees in the appropriate use of its Quality, Health, Safety and Environment management systems, strengthening its management through updating of professional and managerial skills, fostering diversity, emphasizing employee evaluation and motivation and complying with the ethical principles established in its Code of Conduct.